Conference for cold metal forming manufacturers

ICGF 2019 2Transvalor took part in the International Cold Forging Group (ICFG) conference planned from 15 to 18 September 2019 in Donostia - San Sebastian, Spain.

Organized by the association of the same name, the ICFG aims to bring together peers of the cold forming industry.

For its 52nd edition, the ICFG focused on process simulation, lubrication and tool life, precision forging and future trends in these areas. Workshops and industrial visits were also organized.

Transvalor was represented by Christine Corsini (Sales Manager) and Richard Ducloux (Expertise & Consulting Director). They set forth the benefits of our COLDFORM® and FORGE® simulation software for cold forming. Richard Ducloux also held a lecture on the recent improvements of our products in terms of adaptive remeshing for piercing, trimming and binding simulations:

  • « New 3D Adaptive Remeshing Techniques Applied to Piercing, Trimming and Binding Simulations » Read the abstract

Read more on ICFG

ICFG 2019 1  

Why simulate cold forming processes ?

Screws, nuts, bolts, washers, gears... Transvalor offers two software adapted to the simulation of stamping processes:

  • COLDFORM® is a software entirely dedicated to the cold forming of metals: particularly suitable for manufacturers of fasteners, automotive parts or for high watchmaking.
  • FORGE® can simulate both cold forming and hot forging processes. This software will therefore be more adapted to certain sectors of activity.

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