
Non-linear Material and Structure Analysis Suite

Z-set is the result of 40 years of close collaboration between Mines Paris (France) and Onera – the French Aerospace Lab and various academic partners. It is a comprehensive package of integrated analysis software designed for structural analysis in various applications, with a particular focus on advanced material representation. Comprising multiple self-contained modules, Z-set can function independently or in conjunction with existing FEA platforms, enhancing their capabilities in terms of material behavior modeling and simulation.

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Zebulon: Non-linear finite element solver

Zebulon, the cutting-edge finite element solver within the Z-set suite, is designed to tackle a wide spectrum of challenges encountered in structural mechanics. Primarily focused on highly non-linear material models, this code has expanded over time to encompass thermal and diffusion problems, as well as the integration of these models for coupled analyses. With its comprehensive capabilities, Zebulon excels as a non-linear finite element solver capable of addressing diverse structural mechanics problems. Image4-1

Buckling calculation performed with Zebulon

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Z-post: Durability & damage analysis

Z-post is an inclusive post-processing solution crafted to handle diverse data generated from Finite Element Analysis. Originally created to analyze Zébulon's outcomes, Z-post has evolved into a versatile software application that interfaces with leading FEA codes.
Within Z-post, there is an extensive array of "processes" designed to effectively handle and analyze FEA results. It particularly emphasizes accurate life estimation and damage models. Z-post operates on Finite Element calculation results, manipulating data from various structural positions, including nodes, Gauss points, elements, and multiple time steps.
Z-postAdvanced post-processing tools

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Z-cracks: Simulation of 3D crack propagation

Z-cracks is a dedicated module designed for simulating 3D fracture mechanics. Its capabilities encompass the calculation of stress intensity factors and the simulation of mixed-mode crack propagation.
This module offers a versatile and high-performance framework for examining the behavior of 3D cracks during propagation. Stress intensity factors (SIF) derived from linear-elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) are computed for static crack configurations, employing the small perturbation framework. Additionally, under the same assumptions, the tool can predict the propagation of cracks in mixed modes. Z-cracks is complemented by a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) and is built upon a robust 3D adaptive remeshing technique, along with an efficient multi-threaded post-processing approach for extracting SIFs.

Image1-1Fracture analysis


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Z-mat: Material model library

Z-mat is a fundamental component of the Z-set suite, serving as both an intrinsic element and a plugin for material libraries in prominent finite element solvers such as FORGE® Abaqus, Ansys, Samcef, LS-Dyna, MSC Software, and others.
It offers a comprehensive range of constitutive models and serves as a platform for creating novel models, thereby providing an environment conducive to the development of new material formulations.

A material library


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Z-sim: Material simulation

Z-sim serves as a driver for constitutive equations, enabling users to import representative volume elements (RVEs) and conduct rapid simulations on material components without relying on finite element analysis (FEA).
As a constitutive simulation driver, Z-sim has been specifically designed to calculate the behavior of various constitutive laws offered in Z-mat, utilizing stress or strain control loading rather than forces and displacements. This simulator enables significant reductions in CPU time compared to performing equivalent FE calculations on individual elements.
z-sim-coverBehavior laws simulator

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Z-OPT: General purpose optimization

Z-opt is an optimization package with broad applicability, designed to be compatible with various external software through ASCII input files or other suitable means. It serves as a versatile tool, particularly useful for material parameter identification tasks, where the objective is to minimize a functional that quantifies the disparity between experimental observations and simulations.
The input file format of Z-opt offers great flexibility. It can accommodate experimental data derived from diverse types of tests, such as tensile, creep, one-dimensional, or multiaxial tests. Moreover, it can handle hybrid databases containing information about material elements and structures. Z-opt has the capability to drive external software for computing simulated data and solving parameterized problems of any kind. For instance, it can be employed to optimize the friction coefficient, determine convection parameters in thermal computations, or facilitate shape optimization.

Behavior models calibration

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And many more



Z-set for the automotive

Z-set is utilized by key producers worldwide to improve the lifespan of engine components. It is employed for various purposes, such as predicting residual stresses in the cylinder head of an internal combustion engine or incorporating aging phenomena into the constitutive model of aluminum cylinder heads in the engine.


Z-set for aeronautics

Z set is a key tool in the aerospace industry to ensure the quality of critical parts, such as engine or gearbox components, that are exposed to high cyclic thermal or mechanical gradients involving fatigue, creep, and crack propagation.

Heavy industry (2)

Z-set for Heavy machinery 

The mechanical modeling of components made of grey cast iron is a challenging task, particularly when they are subjected to non-isothermal thermo-mechanical loading conditions. Z-mat library offers a range of models that consider elasto-plastic deformations and time-dependent creep processes.


Competitive advantages

Clear and objective reasons to distinguish ourselves

Reseach driven technology

Z-set is a cutting-edge innovation that has emerged from extensive scientific investigation and exploration. This advanced technology incorporates the latest findings and insights from various research disciplines to deliver groundbreaking solutions.


High performance in parallel computing

The solver is parallelized to fully harness the capabilities of massively parallel computing architectures. It leverages the in-depth understanding of the mechanical problem to propose dedicated and highly efficient strategies.


Complete digital chain 

A comprehensive lifecycle simulation chain encompasses metal forming, stress analysis under in-service loading, and crack initiation and propagation modeling for final design optimization. By combining FORGE® and Z-set software, Transvalor offers a holistic simulation solution that covers the entire process from metal forming to lifecycle estimation.



Continuously extended, the material modeling platform within the Z-set suite offers a wide collection of constitutive models for plasticity and viscoplasticity, along with dedicated robust integration methods and advanced calibration procedures. While the existing capabilities of the Z-set platform are extensive, it also serves as an ideal development environment for those looking to implement customized user routines.


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