Brochures, case studies, videos… Discover and download our documents to find out more about Transvalor, our solutions and the world of material forming.
This talk presents the procedure to identify the parameters for grain growth, hardening, recovery, and both dynamic and post-dynamic recrystallization...
Learn more about simulation solutions to optimize your complete manufacturing process: from continuous casting or ingot casting to your forging process.
This lecture presents the integration between FORGE® & pSeven. A use case on rolling process optimization performed in collaboration with ACM is described.
This webinar aims at presenting the latest developments made around FORGE® and COLDFORM® software (isothermal forging, electrical upsetting, ergonomics...)
A joint development project about hydraulic autofrettage technique has been made by Hirschvogel Automotive Group, Engineering Center Steyr and Transvalor.
Taking radiation into account in a numerical simulation is a computation-intensive task. Recent developments in THERCAST® have optimized the performance of the radiation solver.
This paper presents a coupled electrical-thermal-mechanical numerical model, developed with FORGE® to study growth mechanisms of the weld core and its penetration into the thin sheet.
This article of Fastener+Fixing Mag. explains why and how simulation is a crucial mean to develop high performance fasteners with FORGE® and COLDFORM®.