Every two years, Transvalor organizes its Transvalor International Simulation Days which is a major event with keynotes, conferences, sponsor pitches and panel discussions - organized around a main theme: material forming simulation. For the 3rd edition in 2021 we have decided to hold the event online on October 12th - 15th.
Registration remain available to access the replay of conferences ans Q&A sessions until January 15th.
Fausto Gill Di Vincenzo (Sales and Marketing Director), Stéphane Heitz (Co-CEO) and Robert Brunck (CEO) from Transvalor
Nicolas Poulain (Director of Sales and Technology) and Bruno Castejon (President & CEO) from Transvalor Americas
The Topics
The program was about the various manufacturing processes but furthermore about today’s evolutions that influence the manufacturing industry.
- Transvalor's software development (FORGE®, COLDFORM®, SIMHEAT®, THERCAST®, TRANSWELD®, DIGIMU®, Z-SET)
- Hot & Cold Metal Forming
- Heat Treatment
- Metal Casting
- Welding
- Microstructure Evolution
- Fatigue & Fracture Mechanics
- Trends : E-mobility, Lightweighting, Numerical process chain & Interoperability
- and more
Fausto Gill di Vincenzo (Sales and Marketing Director) interviewed our President and CEO Robert Brunck and our Co-CEO Stéphane Heitz to learn more about Transvalor's strategy in the current crisis.
This year we have decided to include a scientific e-poster session for our academic participants who don't have the opportunity to present their work in conference talk. After the votes from attendees, the best e-poster elected is:
- Julen Agirre - Mondragon University
"Hammer testing condition determination by FEM for nickel-based superalloy microstructural characterization"

We were delighted to welcome several of our partners as exhibitors of the TISD. They were available in the virtual exhibiton area and presented their activities durint the elevator pitch.
- Datadvance represented by Laurent Chec
We aim at interfacing their software pSeven for our solutions, to make them even more efficient and offer advanced optimization capabilities to assist customers in faster design decisions. - Quaker Houghton represented by Mervyn Chung-Fat
As part of a strategic partnership, we are collaborating on improving the performance of quenchants and lubricants and enriching our software with perfectly qualified data, allowing to simulate processes with an increased accuracy. - National Manufacturing Institute of Scotland represented by David Wilson
We have joined forces to strengthen research and development projects and provide cost-effective solutions for manufacturing best quality forged products.
We look forward to seeing you on the French Riviera in two years for the 4th edition of the Transvalor International Simulation Days!